IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING: SBA Disaster Loan Program for New Applications


Please read this announcement from the SBA regarding their disaster loan program for new applications:

U.S. Small Business Administration

To submit an application:

Email: Email your completed document(s) as attachments to:

Any information you send to SBA via email is sent via an unsecured email link. Due to the nature of the Internet, it is possible that unsecured email could be intercepted by third parties. Attachments that you email to the SBA cannot be larger than 5MB due to the SBA’s size limitations on emails.

Fax: Fax your completed document(s) to: (202) 481-1505

Right now applicants cannot access the full site. Those with existing applications submitted please check back once the site is back up to update or add information to your application. There is no need to begin a new application.

SBA is working another upgrade to the system that will be quicker and have more bandwidth to handle all those seeking assistance.

SBA apologizes for this inconvenience and they are working diligently to process all requests.

Call 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339)

or e-mail if you need assistance.