How Capturing Testimonials Increases Business Credibility


A testimonial is a quote from a customer that describes the benefits they’ve experienced with your product or service. Testimonials can be used to increase credibility and trustworthiness, as well as advertise your services or product.

Testimonials are important because they are an objective third-party endorsement of your business. They are not written by you or anyone in your company, so there’s no way for customers to know if what’s being said is true or not. This means that testimonials provide credibility when it comes time for potential buyers making their decision about whether or not they want to purchase from you!

Types of Testimonials

There are many different types of testimonials. The most common are video, written and audio testimonials. Video testimonials are the most effective because they allow customers to see the person talking about your company and products or services in action.

  • Written testimonials can be collected through surveys or questionnaires sent out by email or mail to past customers who have purchased from you in the past 6 months.
  • Audio testimonials are great because they’re fast and easy to collect but they don’t allow customers to see who is giving their feedback so it’s not as powerful as a video or written review.

Tips for Capturing Testimonials

  • Be prepared. Before you ask for a testimonial, make sure you have everything ready to go. You want to make it as easy as possible for customers to leave feedback and not make them wait until they get back from lunch or after work.
  • Ask the right questions. It’s important that you ask open-ended questions so that customers can describe their experience in their own words rather than giving a generic response like “great service!” or “great product!” These types of answers don’t provide much value because they don’t tell anyone anything about what specifically made them feel this way about your business or product/service offerings. They also don’t help potential clients see themselves using the same products or services in their own lives, it’s just too broad! Instead, try asking questions like: What do you like most about working with us? How could we improve our services? What did we do differently from other companies who have worked with similar challenges? You’ll be surprised at how much more useful these responses will be when compared against those given during traditional surveys (which tend only ask yes/no questions).

How to Use Testimonials

  • Display them prominently on your website.
  • Use them in your marketing materials.
  • Share them on social media, including Facebook and Twitter, as well as LinkedIn and Instagram.
  • Feature testimonials in email campaigns that go out to prospects and customers alike.

Best Practices for Testimonials

  • Be honest.
  • Focus on the customer’s story and what they said, not you or your company.
  • Keep it relevant to your business and industry.
  • Get permission from customers before posting their testimonial online (or in print), unless they’ve already given you permission in writing beforehand or verbally over the phone/in person at some point during or after the interaction with them that led up to this testimonial being captured by you as a business owner/marketer/entrepreneur.

The Benefits of Testimonials

  • Builds trust and credibility. When you have a testimonial from a customer, it builds trust in your business. A customer who has had positive experiences will be more likely to recommend you to others than one who hasn’t had any experience with your product or service yet.
  • Increases customer engagement. Testimonials help increase engagement because they show the reader that other people are using your products or services and enjoying them, which can inspire them to do the same thing!
  • Boosts conversions and sales: When someone sees that other people were satisfied with their purchase of something, they’re more likely to buy it themselves as well (especially if those customers are similar). This means that when someone reads about how great something was for another person (and maybe even themselves), they’ll want their own experience with whatever item was reviewed so badly that they’ll actually go out there right away instead of waiting until later down the line when things might not be available anymore due to demand levels being too high already.

Tools to Help Collect Testimonials

There are several tools that can help you collect testimonials and make them easy for your customers to share. A few favorites are listed below:

  • SurveyMonkey
  • Google Forms (you can also use this tool to create surveys)
  • Typeform (a great alternative if you don’t want to use SurveyMonkey)
  • Cision (a tool for PR professionals)
    If you’re looking for something more automated, check out GetFiveStars or TrustPilot

Testimonials are a powerful way to build credibility, establish trust and increase conversions. With the right strategy and tools you can easily capture customer feedback and use it to your advantage.

The first step is to identify what your goals are for using testimonials in marketing and sales materials. Are you trying to increase sales? Do you want more leads or new customers? Or do you simply want people who visit your website or read an article about a product or service offered by your company that they like so much that they want more information about how it works before making a purchase decision? Once these objectives have been determined then it’s time for action!