Healthcare in the Metaverse


The term metaverse is loosely defined as a virtual environment shared by many people via digital devices. The four technologies that the metaverse is usually accessed through are virtual reality, mixed reality, extended reality, and augmented reality. 

Metaverse Market Predictions

As our world is transitioning into being immersed in technology, the metaverse market is continuing to grow. Studies predict that the market will be worth $800 billion in 2024, which means a $300 billion increase from 2020. Following the increased presence of the metaverse, large industries including the healthcare industry are expanding their presence within it. 

Staying Legal in the Metaverse

As the healthcare industry becomes more relevant in the metaverse, so do new forms of treatment. Many types of healthcare services are now being offered through the metaverse, including dermatology appointments, mental health therapy and more. With the push for innovative healthcare, questions are raised as to how to keep the industry safe and legal. Different regulations are required depending on the type of service that is provided. In the virtual system lies sensitive information of patients that needs to be protected. There must be precautionary measures taken in order to keep information private, so the handling of it is highly protected under state and federal privacy laws.

What is the Future Looking Like?

The question as to how healthcare providers are licensed in the metaverse is still outstanding. It is unclear if there will be metaverse specific laws or licensure laws. Between the metaverse and healthcare laws, there is a lot of uncertainty as to how it will all play out. Despite the worries there are many positives that come with the metaverse and healthcare coming together, such as getting rid of geographic boundaries that can restrict quick and easy healthcare. The biggest aspect the metaverse needs to maintain in the healthcare industry is patient trust. As time goes on, there seems to be more effort put forth to calm patients’ worries, and allow a new safe space for healthcare.