Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools

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What is Cyber Threat Intelligence & Why is it Important?

Cyber threat intelligence comes in many forms. For any cybersecurity program, the most important is “finished Intel” and indicators of compromise. Finished Intel is information that highlights specific threats to a type of industry, high-level attack trends, and other information that can help in knowing the current threats. It is important for organizations to prepare and plan their cybersecurity program, and this information is important in doing so. Indicators of compromise or specific pieces of information on attacker tools such as IP addresses, domain names, and file names. This information is then used in cybersecurity technology to block suspected attacks.

How Can Organizations Use Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools?

The most important part of threat intelligence is knowing the risks. It is also important to be sure that your organization’s security technology is receiving the most recent threat intelligence to be the most efficient against attackers. The investment of indicators of compromise can help protect your organization more efficiently. With finished Intel, it is possible to spot the incoming trends and protect the organization accordingly. When cyber threat intelligence tools are used, your organization is more protected against vulnerabilities, and is better prepared for future ones.

What is Another Way to Protect Your Organization? 

Another important part in protecting your organization against various cyber security threats is cyber security insurance. Cyber security insurance protects you from the incurred losses that can come from a cyber security breach. Cyber security insurance is the backbone in protecting your organization from the increased ransomware and malware attacks.

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