Biggest Medical Innovations In 2016


Healthcare is always changing to meet new demands by patients and to improve care already provided by professionals like yourself.

Of course, it is hard sometimes to keep up with all the innovations released. Some, while great, might slip by without much fanfare.

So, what are some of the best medical innovations which appeared in 2016?

  1. The Star Trek Tricorder

Whether you are a fan or not of Star Trek, the tricorder is something you are probably aware of. The small, handheld device could provide detailed analysis and information about pretty much anything. In the series, there are numerous types, with one used solely for medical diagnosis.

Last year a competition was started, with a prize of $10 million, to bring this to life. There are currently ten finalists with some saying the final product isn’t far away.

  1. Robotic Nurse Assistant

There are dozens of injured nurses every year. One of the most common complaints is back injury from lifting patients.

Last year saw the development of robots that can help alleviate these struggles. There are different versions, but many can help immobile patients get from one place to another without risk to the nurse.

Nurses will obviously still be needed, but at least some of the heavy work can come off their task list.

  1. Artificial Retinas

There are over one million people who are registered legally blind in the US. However, there is hope that some will be able to see again due to artificial retinas.

The device works with a chip inserted into the eye that replaces damaged photoreceptor cells and creates electrical stimulation to the brain.

The current technology needs the user to wear glasses to help, but it could revolutionize care for people who are registered legally blind.

  1. Anti-Aging Drugs

Staying young is the dream of many, and with drug trials currently being conducted, this could become more of a possibility.

While these drugs won’t make you immortal, the doctors involved in their development have stated that the average human lifespan could easily become 110-120 years.

There are also trials being run for anti-Parkinson medication and Alzheimer’s medication.


Medical innovation is everywhere, and it can impact how medical professionals assess and treat patients or how they prevent health problems in the first place. What is for sure, is that the future is closer than some people may think.

What is the best medical advance of 2016 in your opinion?

Let us know in the comments below.