Shayne Bevilacqua, MBA

Quick Facts about Mobile Healthcare Apps or mHealth

A few weeks ago we...

Top 7 Factors All Lawyers Need To Seriously Weigh When Buying Cyber Liability Insurance

Today’s modern world is becoming...

Why Business Owner Professionals Should Be Paying More Attention To Mobile Users

Here’s a startling fact: In...

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Professional Liability Insurance Group cares...

Why Are Medical Students Shying Away From Traditional Physician Roles?

The year 2012 marked an important...

Cultivating Creativity In The Workplace To Generate Better Results

In every workplace  â€” no...

Robotics and the Future of Professionals, Part 2: Architecture

In part one of this...

The 3 Social Media Tools That Will Accelerate Your Online Growth

Social media is one of the...
High resolution close up image of a microscope

The 4 Amazing Technologies That Are Changing The Future Of Healthcare

Life expectancy has been increasing...

Is The IRS Equipped to Collect $875 Million in Back Taxes From Charity and Labor Groups?

According to a report released...