Ransomware Group Exposes Searchable Data


Cybercrime groups around the world attempt to steal data and threaten their victims into paying. As time goes on, these cybercrime groups are getting wiser to the game, and are making the threats increasingly worse. 

What are the Groups Threatening Now?

A ransomware group by the name ALPHV/BlackCat went from exposing victim data on the dark web, to websites on the public internet. This transition makes the data more accessible to the general public, and puts victims at an increased risk. ALPHV recently hacked a Luxury resort and spa in the United States, exposing personal information of resort employees and residents. Prior to this move, they would commonly expose information on third-party softwares such as Tor. The new website made by ALPHV is more risky and much easier to access their victims’ information. 

Will this Tactic Continue?

It is still unclear if ALPHV will keep using this threatening tactic, but their newest victims include a school district and a city in the United States. It is assumed that this is a test to see which tactic yields the best results. 

What is ALPHV/BlackCat?

The ransomware group’s website reads, “We are not going to stop, our leak distribution department will do their best to bury your business”. The group is actively recruiting workers from many other ransomware organizations, such as Darkside, REvil, and more. It is believed that ALPHV is a rebranding of the ransomware group, Darkside. Darkside is known for the 2021 attack on the colonial pipeline, which caused price spikes and fuel shortages last summer. 

Cybercrime is steadily increasing. If you don’t have the best cybersecurity and ransomware protection in your insurance policy, then it’s time to reevaluate your policy with us.