HIPAA Compliant Texting: What’s the Risk?


With the constant worry of cybersecurity breaches in today’s world; how can we safely send HIPAA compliant text messages out to our patients/clients?

What is the Risk You Take in Sending Private Information Over Text?

Although texting is an easy and efficient way to send information out to patients and or clients, there is still an inherent risk that comes with it. Sending text messages with health information can stay on the sender and receiver’s phone for good, and it also remains unencrypted on the phone carriers servers. Using text messaging means that you can never be sure that you are reaching the person you are trying to contact, whether it be because that person got a new phone number, or simply because someone is in possession of their phone. One violation for an unsecured communication can lead to a fine of $50,000, and multiple violations can lead to $1.5 million worth of fines in one year. On top of that, violations concerning your patients do not stay confidential, which may lead to a tainted reputation.

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself?

Just like secure email applications, there are also HIPAA Compliant texting programs. The way that these secure texting programs work is just like the email programs. The client you are trying to reach will get a text message that they have been sent a secure text, and they will then have an encrypted link underneath that they can click on and view the secured information. Popular HIPAA Compliant texting services include: OhMD, Notifyd, Qliq, TigerText, Zinc, Spok and more.

As cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent in 2022, it is important to do everything you can to avoid hackers getting your patients/clients sensitive information.